Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little Bit Beautiful

(I know, I never posted Library, Part II.  We're headed back again today.  There will be more library talk.  I'm sure you've been waiting with baited breath.)

So, we're still looking for a house.  It's been a long and rather frustrating process - looking at houses until they all start to blend together in our minds, making a decision, putting in an offer only to find out that someone else has put in an offer the same day and we didn't get the house.  Gah.

Bug has been pretty amazing through this whole thing.  We've been asking quite a lot of him, going to look at houses, spending hours and hours and hours getting into and out of the car over and over and over again.  He eventually gets tired of it and goes into toddler meltdown but, on the whole, I think he actually handles it better than I do some days.  He certainly doesn't let it color his observations like I tend to do.

At two, Bug has become a house connoisseur.  He's seen so many houses and heard so many observations that he'll walk up to a new house, look around and say "Nice yard" or "Nice tile" and mean it.  Some of the houses we've been into have been pretty nice.  Others...not so much.  Being two, Bug doesn't so much care about the not-nice aspects of the houses.  If they've got a big room and he's got some energy to burn, he'll run around and flop himself on the floor or whatever he needs to do.  More than once, this has resulted in a cry of "Not on the floor!  This carpet is yucky!" from me.

The other day, we were at one of the not-as-nice houses.  The house itself was pretty awesome, but it needed some massive overhaul, including the carpet.  Boo was fussy and hungry, so I parked myself on a relatively clean spot to nurse her.  Bug was running in circles and checking things out and eventually came to sit next to me.  He had a cup of tea that he popped the lid off of so he could dig out some ice and I asked him to please not put the lid on the carpet.

Bug: "Is this carpet yucky?"

Me: "'s kind of yucky."

Bug: (Looking around and surveying the room again.)  "It's kind of yucky.  But it's a little bit beautiful."

Me: "What?"

Bug: (Smiling.)  "It's a little bit beautiful."

And, just like that, I was able to see that the house wasn't so yucky after all.

I love that my boy can find that beauty in things...even if it is a hot, tired, cranky kind of day. <3

(Back to posting pictures soon.  Promise.)

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